Grae Skye Studio » Artfully Captured Films and Photography

Category Archives: Films

“From my viewpoint, whether it’s a couple celebrating their Wedding Day, an artist discussing his inspiration,
a Chef creating a culinary masterpiece, a Musician playing their heart out on stage-
Moving images capture and inspire.
Even if you weren’t there, you can feel like you were.
You hear the laughter, feel the emotion, relate to the characters. It’s all in these details that the film lives- That’s why I love it so much.”
(Choose your flavor of film from the categories below and
Press play…. you’ll see what I mean.)

GSS- Asheville Art Mob & Andy Farkas

Andy Farkas, the artist behind came out to discuss his art, his inspiration and do a demo of howView full post »

Grae Skye Studio films the French Broad Chocolate lounge gearing up for “Cupcakes for a Cure”

Cupcakes! Springtime! Raising money for a worthy cause! What a great day documenting all the amazing edibles created forView full post »